Rescue Information


German Shepherd Dogs are highly intelligent working dogs that are loyal and protective. They are very versatile dogs that can be a great companion, a formidable guard dog for your family or anything in between. They typically live from 9 to 13 years and usually require some mental stimulation and/or challenge. Like with any breed, sometimes situations arise that make it impossible for a German Shepherd Dog to remain with their current family. When this happens, it can be tricky to find the perfect home for such a powerful mid sized dog that often intimidates those not familiar with the breed.

There are many great organizations that specialize in re-homing German Shepherd Dogs and this club is full of people that love and appreciate everything a German Shepherd Dog is. If you need to find a home for a German Shepherd Dog, or if you might be interested in opening your home to a German Shepherd Dog in need, please contact our German Shepherd Dog Rescue Advocate Stefanie Mount.

Stefanie works diligently with many organizations around the tri-state area and is passionate about helping dogs in need.   

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